Saturday, October 10, 2009

And the revolution begins...

I'm no conspiracy theorist. I don't hold to the "9/11 Truther" movement, I don't believe the government killed JFK, and I don't hold to the belief that martians are abducting us to use for experiments.

Okay, maybe the last one is believable.

Beyond this, I have watched for a year or two as the signs of our republic losing itself became increasingly clear. I watched the creation of the Patriot Act; I watched the government violate the Constitution with warrant less wire taps of it's own citizens in the name of "security"; I've watched our intelligence services and military forces be weakened to the point that they can barely maintain a standing presence on our own shores and abroad. Most importantly, I've watched this current administration chip away at the rights of our citizens and our states.

Ladies and gentlemen, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts has begun the small slide that has the power to begin the second American Revolution. Thursday, October 8, 2009, the state legislature passed Massachusetts Pandemic Bill s.2028, effectively giving control of the state to the governor at any time on the basis that " emergency exists which is detrimental to the public health or upon declaration of a state of emergency under chapter 639 of the acts of 1950, as amended..."

Under this bill, the governor can declare a "state of emergency", effectively installing martial law (or close to it) on the basis that a virulent disease is spreading.

In other words, at this time all power can be centralized to the Governor, Duvall Patrick, on the basis that the H1N1 virus (more commonly, though incorrectly, referred to as the "swine flu") is a pandemic. He could declare it tonight.

This bill allows them to force vaccinations on anyone. Penalties for refusal include confinement to one's home, confinement to a prison or hospital (and you know if they confine you there, they will force the vaccine on you), and/or a fine not exceeding $1,000/day you refuse to take the vaccine. Among other problems is the following unconstitutional clauses found in the bill:

(1) Public safety / health care / volunteer personnel waived from any criminal / civil liability for any civil or medical negligence / rights violations / death / injury (lines 19-24, 180-81, 190-192, 292-98).

Explanation: In the military, we are not able to file a lawsuit or grievance against the government or the military medical corps for improper procedures or improper diagnosis of an issue. Jokingly, we used to say that the reason it said "Property of the United States Government" on the CAC cards solidified this. However, this allows congress to use improperly-tested drugs ("vaccines") without fear of repercussions. After all, now a doctor doesn't have to worry about a medical malpractice suit if you suddenly end up with a life-threatening cancer from the drug!

(2) Allows dispensing controlled substances i.e. drugging people against their will (line 65).

Explanation: A lot of people would say this isn't so bad. After all, who doesn't enjoy the highs of percocet and the like? But the problem is, with this they can force it on you, weakening your resistance and resolve. You'll get that H1N1 vaccine that isn't properly tested whether you like it or not!

(3) Persons violating unconstitutional orders of a local public health authority shall be punished by Up to: 6 months imprisonment / $1000 fine (lines 77-80).

Explanation: Okay, this one is worded a bit differently, so let me clarify. I've stated before that as a member of the military it is your duty to refuse orders that are unlawful and, thus, unconstitutional. If the police come to your door and attempt to enter without a warrant, which they can do during this "state of emergency", that is a breach of your fourth amendment rights (protection against unlawful search and siezure), and because you exercise your rights you can be held as a prisoner, and/or fined.

(4) Government control over: transportation, materials, facilities, including but not limited to: communications, carriers, public utilities, fuels, food, clothing, shelter (lines 81-84)

Explanation: Just start singing the anthem of the former-USSR now. Propaganda, the inability to contact loved'll be forced to be subjugated, or you're not getting food, water, electricity, etc. As we saw with Katrina, even if people do as they're told, they may not get these anyways (FEMA made sure of this).

(5) Determination of reasonable cause to believe that a “condition dangerous to public health” (could include firearms) exists or may exist authorizes: investigation, isolation, quarantine, obtain medical records and other information, monitor, prevent, control (lines 134-35, 204-210) Notwithstanding and regardless of any GOAL position, the chief author of the Model State bill used to craft S-2028 / H-4271 wrote / testified / promotes proven false theory that: “Firearms are a public health crisis … firearms actually make the public less safe.” H-4271 fails to exclude and protect 2nd Amendment / Article XVII well-regulated right to keep and bear tools from being determined by health authorities to be a “condition dangerous to public health”.

Explanation: This one should be self-explanatory. You can't put up an armed resistance if you don't have weapons to do it with. This goes along with (3), in that they are removing your fourth amendment rights in order to make sure you don't have a second amendment right. It will be just like Katrina, in which government officials confiscated weapons that were legally owned and registered, even though looters were running around armed.

(6) Forced isolation / quarantine to other private or public premises / area i.e. kidnapped / taken to undisclosed location / camp (lines 219-222)• May take such action to assure maintenance of public health / may establish procedures to ensure continuation of essential public health (lines 4-14) >> too vague; opens door to abuse.

Explanation: Ever hear those "crackpot" theories that the government likes to swoop in with armed men in black "pajamas" to sweep dissidents out of their homes in the middle of the night? Doesn't seem so crackpot now, does it? You don't want the vaccine "willingly"? Fine, you're coming with us and you're getting it at this undisclosed location. That, ladies and gentlemen, is kidnapping, a federal offense.

I'm taking the numbered portions from the following:, under the comments.

This is dangerous, ladies and gentlemen. I know many of you may be reading from other states and thinking to yourself, "Well, at least I don't live there!" The fact of the matter is, this passing the legislature sets a precedent. Any state can now draft a bill similar to this, tweak it to make sure it's "constitutionally acceptable" under the state constitution, and viola! You now have the possibility of the federal government, through the states, declaring martial law!

I'm speaking specifically to those who took an oath, now. You see your enemies. Those enemies are not in far-off shores, those enemies are sitting in the state and federal capitals of this great nation. These United States are being torn apart by internationalists. We are being destroyed by both the political left and right, by the Republicans and Democrats. We are being backed into a corner, and those of us who took an oath to defend the Constitution should now see their choices. I will tell you that as soon as this is enacted (the first time Duvall Patrick declares a "state of emergency"), we are at war with each other once again. You have a duty, to the Constitution and to the people of this great nation to defend them from tyranny.

Say what you will, but this is a very dangerous time to be alive. Let us pray for peace, but be ready for conflict.


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