Thursday, November 12, 2009

On Global Warming, National Sovereignty, and Oath Keepers.

It’s been a bit since I last wrote. I apologize; I’ve been pre-occupied with a lot of things, namely finding a job. Sadly, I have had to do as was offered when I was in the military and file an unemployment claim. Believe me, the last thing I want to do is sponge off the government, federal or state. But I need to get by, and I won’t justify it. Life goes on, as does the search for employment.

A few things have transpired since I last wrote. I’ll go into the threat, first.

Lord Christopher Monckton, former science advisor to former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher (you know, the one who authorized the British Army’s Special Air Services to rescue the hostages in the Iranian Embassy) was recently in St. Paul, Minnesota. He gave an incredible speech about the fallacy that is global warming and even offered definitive proof that the entire thing is far-fetched and is the greatest scam of all time. Let me explain.

You know how one of the things that the global warming posse likes to use is the ice caps melting during the summer? Well, here’s the thing…IT’S SUMMER. Of course the ice caps are melting, because more sun is focused on them! When the ice caps melt, the seas rise. But does it really? I want you to make an ice cube and put it in some water. When you’re done with that, feel free to continue on.

Now that you have your ice cube in the water, notice how it sits up out of the water a bit? That’s what happens with glaciers and icebergs: they displace the water. When they melt, there’s no displacement, simply more liquid water. Amazing, isn’t it?

In short, there’s no rise of the oceans, there’s no global warming. The earth has been going through these cycles for millennia, and we have exited an ice age not too recently (at least according to universal time), so of course the planet is getting warmer. I’ll leave that to the real climatologists, the ones with the PhD’s.

But he didn’t end it on that (it was an incredible speech). He came about to a “more serious” note.

In December of this year, the world governments will meet. At Copenhagen, there will be a treaty. This treaty will serve to form a new world government, and transfer the “wealth” of the western nations to the “developing” nations around the world. They call this coyly a climate debt. However, there is no global warming; it is a farce, as Lord Monckton shows us.

What makes this dangerous is that it will trump the Constitution. No treaty may hold more power then our Constitution, it is written in the Constitution itself! The Constitution of the United States is to be the fundamental and be-all-end-all of this nation, and we are not to be subjugated to any other nation or group of nations.

This is why the United Nations is unconstitutional.

According to this treaty, we as a nation will be unable to reconcile from it. We will never be able to pull out of it simply because every other nation must agree to let us pull out. However, we will be the biggest paying county there. Do you think they’ll go for that?

We are serving imprisonment right now. Our nation is, as the data says, borrowing almost $10-billion dollars a day – read that again: $10,000,000,000. That is a lot of zeroes! And this is a debt that will force our country into bankruptcy faster than Bush would have under his economic plans.

Please let me state right now, former-President George W. Bush is not a man I will remember for being anything special. He is no Ronald Reagan, that’s for sure.

When September 11th happened, we all remember the look on President Bush’s face as the Secret Service agent told him about the second tower being struck. We all remember how he sat there, struck with a dilemma: offer these children some sense of normalcy for another five minutes, or rush out and cause a panic. At that point we didn’t know who had done what, and we weren’t 100% sure that it had been an attack (though seriously, it was glaringly obvious even to me). But he sat there, and then when it was finished he stood and explained what had happened.

Look at President Barack Obama on the day of the Fort Hood massacre. He’s spending a few minutes giving “shout outs” and joking with those who had invited him to the Tribal Conference, then it’s on to the shooting. Everything he said was written on cards – you can tell because he’s looking down at the podium every few minutes. It was not something coming from the heart.

President Bush’s reaction to September 11th was to go out there and kill the people who attacked us. President Obama’s reaction has been to make excuses for Major Hassan, the Army officer accused of committing this attack on our soldiers. The good Major was claimed to have jumped on a desk and shouted, “Allahu Ackbar!” – Arabic for “God is great!” – And then opened fire. This, if true, makes it a terrorist attack because not only were soldiers killed, but also civilians. President Bush also made an immediate (or close to it) beeline to Fort Hood to see the families of the slain, along with his wife. He did this without cameras. Obama brought the entire cadre of paparazzi.

The final topic I wish to touch on is a group I have been with. I am a member of a group that I have harped on about as a great idea and something that this country needs. I won’t go on and preach the Oath Keepers message and mission statement, because I’ve done that already and done it before.

Oath Keepers still remains one of the best things I have seen in the past few years. The mission statement is admirable and, for all intents and purposes, is the thing we need in order to scare some sense into the government. Is it working? Well, there’s been a lot of “bad press” coming from the Obama administration’s puppets, i.e. the Anti-Defamation League, Southern Poverty Law Center, and mainstream media outlets like CNN. You’ve seen me respond to the Veterans’ Today op-ed piece by Major Hanafin (and I hate to say this, I dropped the ball and neglected to get what info I need to request through BUPERS his information). I stand by my statement that this outfit is incredible, and every military member (both current and former) as well as law officer should be required to join to be held to the Constitution.

Anyone who has joined knows of the forums. The forums, sadly, are where the group has been lax. Especially after Stewart Rhodes appeared on “Hardball with Chris Matthews”, the population base for the group jumped considerably. Suddenly, the forums were attacked by racists, anti-Obama propaganda, and the like. The mission statement of Oath Keepers is and always has been that they are apolitical, and as a non-moderator, I attempted to curve people back to our stated mission. However, I was ridiculed by several people, and was even told by a “Christian” that he hopes I “enjoy the special place in hell for [me], along with all the child molesters and rapists”. This was all because I attempted to stop his propaganda against Obama, and because I didn’t take a stand against Obama I was “clearly a puppet of BHO” and that I was unworthy of being in “God’s sight”.

Since then, there have been daily posts about the “unconstitutionality” of some laws being passed, of the need to begin planning for “armed revolution”, and of various other conspiracy theories. All of this falls out-of-line with the mission. I attempted to be polite, and after a bit I snapped and said some stuff (there were a lot of curse words in one posting). People understood and accepted that I had snapped, and some tried to approach me and say that I needed to back off and rest from the forums. I had one in particular tell me to “STOP PLAYING DADDY BECAUSE IT’S NOT YOUR JOB” (I used CAPS lock to illustrate how she wrote). I finally just started taking things less than seriously, and began actively trolling some of the threads. I even signed them “Patrick M. Fahey, President, Oath Keepers Forums Troll Association” to show the fact that they were acting stupid and didn’t warrant any serious responses.

Apparently that upset someone. After one discussion I started, pretty much insulting conspiracy theorists and the like, I was given a warning by the site moderator, Elias Alias. If I did it one more time, I would be banned from the forums. Well, I didn’t post anything close to the scathing response, but I continued to troll and show them how foolish they were acting. I attempted, basically, to bring sanity and logic to forums (I really need to stop doing that). In response, I was banned.

Now keep in mind, these threads were being kept up. They were being moved to the Archives, not deleted. All these things that detracted from our stated goals were kept around for everyone’s perusal. Anyone who was new would see this and instantly think we were all crackpot conspiracy theorists and anti-government, when we weren’t. It would mean all that Stewart had done was for nothing. However, anything that insulted Oath Keepers was removed permanently.

These same posts about how evil Oath Keepers is were no different then the anti-Obama posts. But anything that wasn’t attacking Oath Keepers as an organization was kept around. Every day you’d see “different” people post the same subjects, sometimes with the same headings, as if the forums were their own and that if they wrote it, it must be true and we should act.

I want to say this right now: it is not the job of the military or the police to remove the problem that was elected by the citizens of this country. That is a military coup, and it is dangerous. If the elected officials make an overt move to destroy the Constitution, then we should act, and chances are we will.

I love Oath Keepers; I will remain a part of it. However, my displeasure is there and needs to be aired. I promised Stewart when I made a second account to mail him that I would not bad-mouth the group, and I hope no one sees this as such. However, I would request that anyone who goes to the site to look them over not take the boards seriously. There aren’t enough moderators to handle them, despite the fact that people have asked to become moderators, and we have made points to telling them they need to police it better.

I would like to give a shout out to the United States Marine Corps as they celebrated 234 years of faithful dedication to the Constitution and to this great nation. November 11, 1775 was the creation date of my beloved Corps and it continues to do what it was created to do: kick ass and take names.

I would like to end this diatribe with my heartfelt condolences to those families who lost people in the massacre. Know that my family and I pray for you to find closure, and that your family members are in heaven now.

Semper fidelis.


Lord Christopher Monckton’s speech:
President George W. Bush on 9/11:
President Barack H. Obama after the Fort Hood shooting:


Copenhagen Climate Treaty:


Oath Keepers:

1 comment:

  1. conducted a study among 300 viewers of a news clip featuring the Oath Keepers organization. Results found that majority of viewers (53%) felt that armed militia groups should be outlawed in the United States. The percentage of viewers that support the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution, which protects the right to keep and bear arms, declined from 80% to 73% after viewing the video. In addition, more than one-third of the viewers (37%) reported that the existence of the Oath Keepers organization causes them to feel less safe.
