Thursday, October 1, 2009

Opinion: David Hedrick

I really hadn't intended to use this blog as a means of conveying my opinions. I was going to simply use this as a means of providing relevant facets of information to you, my reader, and allowing you to make your own decisions. However, I realize now that this is something that is simply impossible. Okay, maybe not impossible, but it would certainly be hard to do. You are more then welcome to skip any "OP ED" piece I write, but if you don't then I thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this, and any other blog post I make.

As a former Marine, I feel a connection to those members of the Corps that have served and continue to serve under our colors. And it brings a tear to my eye when I see people like the following Marine do his job, even if he doesn't wear that uniform anymore.

David Hedrick is a former Corporal who saw himself sitting overseas during his enlistment. He has been seen on YouTube as the most famous, outspoken critic against Rep. Brian Baird (D - WA). The Associated Press ran an editorial about this, and the author said the following about Cpl. Hedrick's presence:

"The month of August has not been a pleasant one for members of Congress, especially those of the President's party. Many members of the Congress are unused to the experience of having their constituents getting in their faces and telling them what they can and cannot do. Getting chewed out by a member of the hoi polloi is uncomfortable enough. Being chewed out by a veteran of the Marine Corps, where they inflict and experience chewings out like a gourmand experiences food, must be the Ninth Circle of Hell."

Thank you, Mark Whittington of the Associated Press. That article brought a smile to my face as I remembered that nostalgia.

Now, for those who haven't seen the video of him taking Congressman Baird to task on his support of Obamacare, he called the man to task on many things:

1.) Stay away from our kids. You aren't indoctrinating them into anything (and if you don't believe there is indoctrination going on, tell that to the parents of the Burlington, New Jersey elementary school children).

2.) The Nazis, as Nancy Pelosi has so graciously referred to anyone speaking against Obamacare, were a leftist organization. Despite the "conservative" views that many people would attribute to them, they were the National Socialist Party of Germany. They nationalized health care, the automotive industry, and pretty much anything they could. So if Speaker Pelosi or other members of the government want to look at us and say, "You're all a bunch of brownshirts" (referring to the SS and Gestapo), then maybe she should take a bit of history and see who's following the Nazi path.

3.) Our private health insurance is not something that you have the right to take away.

4.) When do members of Congress intend to uphold the oath to the Constitution?

Now this is a big thing. A Marine, someone who swore the same oath as this man who sits on the national political beltway, is "bitching out" the congressman. It's moments like this that bring a tear to my eye. I think I need to do something manly.

All joking aside, Brian Baird did nothing. He even went on to say that there would probably be a white truck with his name on it someday (I'm paraphrasing this), likening those who actually give a damn about the Constitution to Timothy McVeigh.

Let's look at the facts. The mainstream media has failed to cover the majority of the protests going on all over this country, and when they do they tend to have a liberal commentator or a member of the Democrat party available to say something derogatory about the citizens taking part. Form the tea parties to the opposition to Obamacare, anyone who is for the support of the Constitution and wanting to hold the federal government accountable is being branded as some type of radical. And yes, I hold Fox News to the same standard I am holding the other stations.

David Hedrick has said he intends to run for Congress in Washington state. Ladies and gentlemen, this is a true American patriot who fought for this country in a uniform and with a gun. As someone who is willing to put on a suit and tie and fight for us once again in the halls of Congress, this man has my vote (assuming it counted...Massachusetts is a few states separated from Washington.).

Semper fi, Corporal Hedrick.

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