Sunday, April 4, 2010

My challenge to Oath Keepers.

I posted the following on the group's national forums. I'm waiting to see what kinds of responses I get.

"I've been monitoring Oath Keepers' main website for a few months. I fell out of contact with the group once again in January, I believe, and simply ignored the group as a whole, especially after the second fiasco. However, I've noticed the trend.

"Every time an op-ed piece comes out depicting Oath Keepers as a fringe, radical group, it gets front page status on the website. Then there are posts about how clearly the people writing such nonsense are lunatics and unworthy of the time of day.

"What the hell happened? Has the group become so afraid of public perception that they've gone into defense mode, and tried their hardest to protect their image? You should have known this would happen, and like they wanted, you toned down the message and went on the defensive. That, my friends, is not what I signed up for.

"Going back, I see plenty of news articles and videos about how the SPLC and other such organizations are handling the Oath Keepers, and counter-pieces. It has mainly focused on Oath Keepers, or members of the group. Believe it or not, guys, WE ARE ALL KEYBOARD COMMANDOS.

"And then we go out, and we find people like LtCol (LTC for you Army brats!) Terry Lakin, an active duty flight surgeon who says he refuses to take orders until President Obama proves his eligibility under the Constitution. And where on the front page is there anything about this man, this true Oath Keeper?

"It's one thing to reach out and inspire our active duty military members. It's what we should strive for. It's something entirely different to ignore the ones that put themselves on the line and actually do something about that Oath. A true Oath Keeper, LtCol Lakin embodies that which our Founding Fathers envisioned in such Americans: the willingness to do what is right, and damned be the consequences.

"When is someone going to give this man the recognition on this site? Stewart and the crew should have jumped all over this the day it came out. Instead, almost a week later, I saw one thread in these forums about him. And no recognition from the group. Is this man going to be ignored, and are you going to throw him under the bus?

"And now the Democrats are attempting to pass a new bill, H.R. 3335, the "Democracy Restoration Act". With this bill, convicted felons will be able to vote once again, thus trampling all over the States and their sovereignty. In no point in Greece or Rome (I'm talking the periods of antiquity) were those who broke the law afforded every right a citizen of the state had. But the Democrats want to give these rights back to these people. And it's because polls show most of these felons? They'll vote Democrat.

"But nowhere in that bill does it say they'll acquire the other rights lost, such as the right to own a gun.

"So I would love to know, is LtCol Lakin going to be helped by Oath Keepers? Or is it simply going to remain more glory seeking from the upper echelons of the organization. You can answer this question, if you wish.

"And remember, what you do speaks so loudly that what you say, I can not hear.

"Semper fidelis."

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